The Society was established in the 1970s. It aims to encourage the study and enjoyment of architecture, buildings, their contents and settings by organising lectures and visits. It usually holds its lectures in the Fine Art Lecture Theatre, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, and enjoys a close association with the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape of Newcastle University. (Read our constitution, revised October 2018).

Lime in Conservation
Our March lecturer is Dr Tim Meek, an apprenticeship-trained, award-winning bricklayer. In the 1990s he was commissioned to lime render Aykley Heads House in Durham by Conservation Developers Rivergreen, and he gave a talk to this society.. He will speak about Best Practice and the use of lime in conservation
Full details of our March lecture
Regular lectures are held in the Fine Art Lecture Theatre of Newcastle University; instructions and map of how to find our lectures.
Summer Trip to West Yorkshire
Following the success of last year's trip to Dumfries and Galloway we have reserved accommodation at the Scargill Movement's Community in Wharfedale. We plan to visit a mix of architectural wonders in the environs of Ripon, Skipton and Bradford. Bradford is this year's U.K. City of Culture and hopefully there will be some special architectural visits available. The wonderful chapel, and other buildings, at Scargill were designed by George Pace, (1915 - 1975) and we intend to visit several of his other works during our three-day trip.
More information; booking closed Friday 28th February 2025.