Interested in architectural history?
From the distant to the recent past, in the making, and anywhere in the world?
Join our Society now, for a stimulating programme of talks, visits and social events.

The Society was established in the 1970s. It aims to encourage the study and enjoyment of architecture, buildings, their contents and settings by organising a monthly series of lectures through the winter months, and tours and visits to places of interest - near and far - in the summer. The lectures normally take place in Newcastle upon Tyne and the Society enjoys a close association with the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape of Newcastle University. Our lectures are open both in person and via Zoom, and recordings are available on YouTube to members.
Membership is open to all, the only qualification being an interest in the subject at whatever level.
Our constitution, as revised in October 2018); our refunds policy as approved at our 2024 AGM.
Membership is by annual subscription, due for renewal on 1st March each year.
The 2023 AGM in May 2023 resolved unanimously to accept the proposal (background paper approved by the AGM) to increase members' annual subscriptions from 1st March 2024.
The new rates are therefore as follows:
- Single person: £21
- Two people living at the same address: £27
- More than two people with the same postal address: £27 + £6 per additional person (e.g. 3 people - £33)
- Full time student: £10
Existing members who pay by standing order should already have changed to the new rate (either on-line or by using the form in the attached pdf).
If you pay each year separately by cheque or bank transfer, please note the new rates for future payments.
If you are unsure which subscription rate applies to you please ask our honorary treasurer (contact details at the foot of the Banker's Order form).
If you wish to join now, please download and and fill in the Membership Application Form (current from 1st March 2025). You can then return it by email or post and you can pay your subscription via cheque or BACS payment.
If you have any queries or need the form in an editable format, please contact us by email at
- Ian Curry
- Text of the address by Chris Downs at the funeral of our member Ian Curry, former consultant architect to Durham Cathedral, who died on 8th October 2012.
- Peter Willis
- Biographical details on the Scottish Architects website.
- Tom Faulkner
- Edited by Sue Ward from Hentie Louw's tribute at Tom's funeral