Christmas Event: St Chad's Church, Bensham
Tuesday 4th December 2012, 7.00 pm
Neil Moat

After houses were built on the fields of Bensham, Lord Northbourne donated land for the construction of a church. The generous patronage of Miss Easton of Pelaw enabled probably the finest work of local architect W.S. Hicks to be built. This splendid church was consecrated in 1903. It is adorned with a wealth of outstanding Arts and Crafts glass, art, furnishings and metalwork of huge importance to the region. An aspect of this work will be the subject of the evening's talk by Neil Moat.
A buffet supper and Tom Yellowley's Arts and Architecture Quiz will complete the evening.
Tickets by prior arrangement only: £15.00 per head
Please apply not later than Friday 30th November
Return your booking slip (or download a copy here) to: Ian Wells