York Minster Revealed
Saturday 21st September 2013
Day trip including specialist tours of hidden parts of the Minster

The coach will depart from the Bewick Street bus stands just east of St Mary's RC Cathedral at 8.00 am. A 'pick up' will be available at Scotch Corner services.
The 'Hidden Minster' Tours are only available as special group bookings and due to access and safety issues two guides are needed to accompany each group of 10 people. Two tours are available: one of the Chapter House Roof and Masons' Loft; the other of the West End and the Bell Towers. Each tour lasts 90 minutes and time will be allocated for visiting the newly opened 'Undercroft' exhibition. A general tour of the Minster will be included.
The Chapter House was built between 1270 and 1280 and connected to the Minster by what is known as the Chapter House Vestibule in c.1330. It has a high timber fan vault suspended from a gothic dome roof. The Masons' Loft sits above the Chapter House Vestibule. It was used by the masons as their drawing office. The setting out drawings were made on a plaster floor and wooden templates were then cut for use in carving the stone. This room also has a fine early 14th century scissor truss roof, fireplace and garderobe.
The West End and Bell Tower tour includes the South West Tower, Clock Chamber, Ringing Chamber, Bell Chamber, the outside Western Gallery and Great Peter Ringing Chamber.
The tours are optional, but we need to know in advance the numbers for each. Alternatively you may prefer to spend some of the time looking around the city.
Coffee will be provided on arrival in York and lunch will be laid on in the nearby Treasurer's House (National Trust). We will split the journey home with a tea break and endeavour to get back to Newcastle for 7.30 pm.