Marshall and Tweedy Evening Tour
Picture Gallery
July 2016
AKENSIDE HOUSE: The Side, Newcastle upon Tyne

We passed this building on our walking tour and failed to identify the signature features of a Marshall and Tweedy design.

In January 1914 the Newcastle Daily Journal reported that the most imposing and commodious new building to be opened in the town during 1913 was Messrs. Fenwick's Store by M&T.
The same article reported the completion of Akenside House. "No expense or labour has been spared to make this building of the best quality. Externally the building is very pleasing. The ground floor is faced in dark granite and the upper portion is executed in stone which is relieved by neat sculpture. All the floors are of armoured concrete and the entrance is panelled in teak. The front windows are of teak and strong plate glass. The sanitary arrangements have received special attention and a handsome electric lift has been placed in the centre of the stair wellway. The work was carried out under the personal supervision of Messrs. Marshall and Tweedy."

Society Members looking above the shop front to the magnificent upper façade of Fenwick's Store in Northumberland Street.