Capital Newcastle
A Sunday Afternoon Walk in the City Centre
Sunday 19th September 2021
led by the Chairman

Meet at All Saints' Church, Newcastle
2.00 pm, Sunday 19th September 2021 -
Please note change to originally advertised date.
In September 2018 members were issued with Alan Beale's excellent pamphlet Capital Newcastle - a Walk Through Newcastle's Architectural Orders.Those who could lay hands on their copy were asked to bring it along to this event, in which we followed elements of Alan's guide to these fascinating but often overlooked details of our architectural heritage. A few spares were available for those who couldn't find it!
Starting at All Saints' we dropped down to the Guildhall on the quayside, then up to the Moot Hall and around the southern part of the town centre up to the Assembly Rooms. From there the party was led up to Leazes Terrace, but those who feared this would be too much to manage were able to proceed to the Grainger Market where all reunited for the latter part of the walk, taking in Grey Street, Pilgrim Street and ending in Northumberland Street between 4.00 and 4.30 pm.
Those of a particularly enthusiastic disposition were invited to join the Chairman at St. Anne's Church at 1.40 pm. for a look at its portico by way of an aperitif to the main event.
This was an entirely outdoor event: face masks and social distancing optional, comfortable walking shoes advised, along with an umbrella. Please note that the route involves some steep hills and flights of steps.
To get the best out of this event binoculars, a camera with a telephoto lens, or both, were recommended.
Public toilets are available in the Eldon Square shopping complex close to the north-west corner of the Grainger Market, which represents the mid-point of our tour.